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Name Rishank Reddy Nareddy

College Name NIT Warangal

Branch Electronics and Communication Engineering

Placement/ Internship Session 2021-2022

Company's Name ServiceNow

Role SDE Summer Intern 2022

Job Location Hyderabad

Eligible branches CSE, ECE, EEE

Selection Procedure Round 0: Online Test

Round 1: HR + Technical

Round 2: Technical

Round 3: HM + Technical

Round 4: Technical (puzzles)

Description of Online Test Online Test: (HackerRank, 60 mins) 1. 1 easy-med coding question. (Uses prefix-sum). 2. 10 mcqs, based on topics like predict output, DSA, Time complexity, etc. 26 students were shortlisted for next round

Description of Technical interview Round 1: (60 mins) => Interviewer was friendly, he asked me how was my day and some casual conversation, then moved onto some behavioral type questions 1. Why ServiceNow ? 2. If you want to participate in Olympics javelin throw what steps will you follow and how will you approach it, follow-up question was would you follow the same approach while learning a new coding language/skill, if not what would you like to change ? 3. Lets assume you are passionate about javelin throw, then suddenly your coach wants you to leave it and start a new sport like tennis what would you do ? 4. Goals, etc. => Interviewer was also from ECE background, so he asked me why are capacitors so famous and important => 1 easy coding question (uses two-pointers) => Some basic OOPS questions => Do you have any questions for me ?

19 students were shortlisted for next round

Round 2: (55 mins) => How was your previous Interview => How many 2x1 mux will I need to build a 64x1 mux, follow-up question was derive a formula for (2^n)x1 mux. => One medium coding question (uses hash-map) => Interviewer asked me to explain about my project, then asked me to explain about the flow (login-screen, data-loading, settings, etc.), and asked some questions based on it like How would you handle this particular error?, adding a new feature, etc. The questions were focused more on the back-end part. => If I want to get a 1 million records from a server and display it on a website, how would you do it. Without getting any performance issues and having a smooth user-interface => Do you have any questions for me ?

13 students were shortlisted for next round

Round 3 (HM): (65 mins) => How was your previous interviews and introduction => Your favorite subject ?. I told DSA, follow-up question was what kind of algorithms do you like ? => Lets say there is a connection between two computers and one computer gives you a stream of numbers. At some point in between it will ask you to display the number of occurrences of each number given in sorted order. I told my approach using map, follow-up question was how is stl-map implemented. What if instead of int-stream, I give you char-stream(of English-alphabet), then what changes would you do. He was expecting space optimization (Using an array of size 52). => Asked me to build a family tree, and he wants to get the relation between two people. I told my approach using graph, adjacency list, maps, vector, iterators, etc. I tried to optimize it as much as possible. (Couldn't get the best solution, but he was okay with it.) He asked me to pseudo-code my approach. => What is your favorite website. I told YouTube. So he asked me to assume that we are in 2006. At that time YouTube used to download the the video and then show it. What would your approach be to solve this problem. I tried for some time and after some discussion he decided to modify the question You have a 1gb file and it must be sent through mail to another person, but you can only send 15mb at a time. How would you approach this. We had some discussion about this, and after clarification and some assumptions I gave a normal solution and he was okay with this too. => Do you have any questions for me ? Then we got a message saying -> "If the team need on any particular candidates they might need a quick setup for 20-30mins discussion to understand better after HM/3rd Round."

Round 4 : (15 mins) => I was asked to introduce myself and the asked 2 puzzles 1. x^y+y^x=41 (x>0, y>0) find x, y ? (Ans: x=1, y=41 (or) x=41, y=1) 2. => Do you have any questions for me ? Note: This round was different for everyone 1. No Round 4 for some students. 2. HR and Managerial for some others. 3. Puzzles for me. 7-students were selected for the internship and I was one of them.

Note: In every round they noted the imp points I spoke and based on that, next round had some different/follow-up questions for us. So I managed not to ask same questions for this -> 'Do you have any questions for me ?'

What should be the preparation strategy for an aspiring candidate? 1. The majority of OTs ask problems on Greedy, DP, and Graphs. 2. If any project is mentioned in the resume, you must be prepared to answer any type of question and variations based on it. 3. Basic OOPS and DBMS are enough. 4. Prepare for HR questions like Introduce yourself, strengths and weakness, etc.

Resources for Preparation (You can provide names or links to useful websites) 1. Leetcode - Solve daily challenges and participate in contests. 2. InterviewBit - atmost 60 days. 3. Practice mock interviews on Pramp ( 4. OOPs - Javatpoint 5. DBMS- Sanchit Jain playlist in YouTube

Any additional information you want to provide from your side Maintain a good CGPA (preferably>8)


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