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Pratik Solav

LinkedIn Profile

College Name

NIT Warangal


Electronics and Communication Engineering

Company's Name



Associate Engineer (Software), (6 months Intern + FTE)

Job Location


Eligible branches

B.Tech : CSE, ECE, EEE , M.Tech : CSE, ECE,EEE (all specialization)

Eligibility Criteria

>= 6.9 CGPA

Selection Procedure

Round 1 - Online Test Round 2 - Technical Interview-1 Round 3 - Technical Interview-2 Round 4 - HR Interview

Description of Online Test

There were ‌3‌ ‌sections‌ ‌and each of these 3 sections had 20 questions and 30 minutes were given for each section. So, total duration was 90 minutes and each question carried +1 for correct and -0.25 for wrong answers. Section‌ -1‌ (Aptitude‌) : ‌Questions were from topics like Time and work,Logical Reasoning,Profit/Loss,Blood Relations,Probability and Data Interpretation. Time Management is important in this section. Section‌ -2‌ ‌‌(Programming‌ ) : Questions were based on C Syntax,Pointers,References,Arrays, Strings, Structures,Enum, Union and Number Systems. A thorough understanding of C/C++ concepts is necessary in this section. Section‌ -3‌ (Technical‌) : Questions were based on Data Structures,Algorithms,Operating Systems (there were a few numericals too.) and OOP.

Description of Technical interview

Technical Interview-1 : 1.The interview started with a formal introduction and my academic background. 2. Questions on C/C++ and ECE Basics. There was a brief discussion about my projects. 3. I was asked to code using optimized approach for finding nth node from the end of a linked-list and merging two sorted arrays without using any extra space. 4. Few other questions like finding loop in a linked list,properties of slow and fast pointers,implementing queue using stack,and how binary search works. 5.Few questions from OOP and OS. Technical Interview-2 : 1.The interview started with a formal introduction. 2.Many questions related to Communications,Signals & Systems and DSD. 3.Further I was asked some questions from Embedded C/C++ ,Operator Precedence. 4.Some questions from OOP like Virtual Function,Polymorphism, Function/Operator Overloading,Friend Function. 5. Various questions on Algorithms,Union,Properties of Arrays and Structures.

Description of HR round

This was a telephonic interview where I was asked about my personal details,location preferences, basic interests and if I had any questions for them. To which I asked about the type of work that is given to freshers and what are their expectations.

What should be the preparation strategy for an aspiring candidate?

1. Should be strong with basics in ECE subjects. 2. Should try to build a solid foundation in computer science with strong competency in Data Structures, Algorithms and Operating System. 3. Should participate in coding contests on Leetcode and Codeforces to improve problem solving skills. 4. Should think loud and be confident while answering.If you don't know the correct answer, just say it instead of giving wrong answer.

Resources for Preparation

1. Aptitude and C Programming : Questions on IndiaBix / GFG 2. DSA practice : Leetcode/GFG 3. Competitive Programming : Codechef/Codeforces 4. OS : Gate Smashers (YT Channel) 5. OOP : Javatpoint/ GFG 6. For ECE Subjects : Class Notes and Textbooks

Any additional information you want to provide from your side

Practice daily, identify your weaknesses and improve them. Discuss problems with your peers and have some mock interviews beforehand. Also,thoroughly read the provided Job Description. That will give an idea about the topics that will be focused upon during OT/Interviews.


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