Yashwanth Thati
College Name
NIT Warangal
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Company's Name
Micron technology
SSD validation, (Internship only)
Eligible branches
Eligibility Criteria
Selection Procedure
OT, Round 2, Round 3 -HR
Description of Online Test
OT has 3 sections Duration - 75 minutes Platform hirepro, has proctoring Section 1 - Aptitude 15 questions -20 minutes Questions on probability, Interests, pricing, Alphabets coding, time and distances, paragraph on seating arrangement... Section 2 - Programming 15 questions -20 minutes Questions on basic syntaxes like structures, classes, etc. Most of the questions were on finding out output sequences, error finding like run time, compile time errors for given code snippets related to syntax, data structures, loops and finding out time complexities. Questions on oops, numpy of python asked. Few Code snippets were in JAVA, C# as well. Section 3 - Technical 25 questions -35 minutes Questions on digital electronics, CMOS, its VTC , 2 on CMOS fabrication, stick diagram of CMOS, assembly of 8051, 8085, 8086 and their architecture, 2-3 on op-amps and circuit theory, pipelining, static timing analysis, memory types in computer, z transform and some questions on verilog HDL. Time management is very important and don't waste more time on a single question.
Description of Technical interview
Introduce yourself and tell about the projects mentioned in your resume. Interviewer asked what their requirements were. I had seen their job description before, so better to have little understanding of their requirements. Gave a puzzle to solve Asked whether I am aware of microprocessors and SSDs. Questions on C++ basics and OOPS
Description of HR round
The interviewer asked whether I know python. I told that I know only basic data types and syntaxes. So he asked the difference between tuple and list and asked to demonstrate it with a small program, how to delete an item from tuple and asked to code a simple program related to arrays in any language. Then he asked some HR questions like how do you respond when your boss shouts at you throwing your work, your ultimate future goal and what are your expectations from micron.
Resources for Preparation
For verilog HDL - Samir palnitkar or ASIC world website For digital electronics - Morris Mano book, All about electronics YouTube For microprocessors and assembly languages - Bharath Acharya , ponnambalam P YouTube For aptitude - indiabix website
Any additional information you want to provide from your side
In interviews I always prefer solving using screen share when it's online mode and think loud.