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John Deere



Abhinav Godara

College Name

NIT Warangal


Computer Science and Engineering

Company's Name

John Deere


Software Engineer, (Internship only)

Eligibility Criteria

CGPA cutoff-6.0

Selection Procedure

Round 1-OT , Round 2- Technical Interview

Description of Online Test

2 Normal Competitive Programming questions as practised on codeforces codechef leetcode and interiewbit and 7 multiple choice questions based on Data Structures and Algorithms

Description of Technical interview

Technical Interview started from my introduction then they asked me to explain whole OOPs(Object Oriented Programming) in C++ . Then it was a pattern question which is 1 11 21 1211 111221 Seeing this pattern you have to write a code which will take input the number of lines and print this with the number of lines upto 25

Description of HR round

NO HR round

What should be the preparation strategy for an aspiring candidate?

Competitive Programming at different platforms like codeforces codechef leetcode and interviewbit and DSA is a must .

Resources for Preparation

GFG W3schools


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