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Goldman Sachs



Deepak Prasad

College Name

NIT Warangal


Computer Science and Engineering

Placement/Internship Session


Company's Name

Goldman Sachs


Summer Analyst, ( Internship only)

Eligible branches

All branches

Selection Procedure

Online test(OT) and then 3 round of interviews( 1,2 technical round and 3 HR round)

Description of Online Test

OT was divided into 4 sections . Section 1 had 2 easy to moderate coding questions. Section 2 was based on aptitude(This was one of the most difficult sections as it had almost JEE level questions with topics ranging from probability , complex numbers, conic sections and others) Section 3 was an advanced coding based section section 4 had mcqs that revolved around DBMS and OOPS concepts.

Description of Technical interview

I had 3 questions in round 1 : The first question was "check whether a parenthesis sequence is balanced or not"(standard application of stacks). The second question which was that " Given a m*n chessboard with a knight placed at source_x, source_y . Find whether the knight can reach the destination coordinates and also the minimum steps to do so". The last question was " Given a binary array where each element denoted a bulb and if the bulb was on, the value of element would be 1 otherwise 0. I could do only one operation which is turn on and off the bulb and for every bulb on which I applied this operation the state of all bulbs to its right will be flipped. I had to tell the minimum no of operations needed to switch on all the bulbs. " Round 2: Given an array of strings I had to group all the anagrams together efficiently. A system based kind of question to design a twitter like application .( The interviewer told me to express my ideas without being afraid.)

What should be the preparation strategy for an aspiring candidate?

Standard Data Structures concepts and DSA questions are a must. I would recommend doing either leetcode or interviewbit completely. Apart from this competitive programming also helps a lot and a couple of decent projects before the intern season begins.

Resources for Preparation




websites like gfg hackerearth cp-algorithms for various concepts


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