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Shyam Kumar Singh

LinkedIn Profile

College Name

NIT Warangal


Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Company's Name



Software developer, (Internship + PPO)

Job Location


Eligible branches


Eligibility Criteria


Selection Procedure

Round 1- OT, Round 2-Technical, Round 3-Tech+HR

Description of Online Test

The online test consisted of 2 Coding questions and 25 MCQ questions Question 1- Minimum steps to reach a target by a Knight. (MEDIUM) knight-set-2/ Question 2 – convert the string into dd- mm- yyyy Format. (EASY) 25 MCQs questions based on various topics such as Operating Systems, DBMS, Computer Networks, OOPS, C Programming, Algorithms.

Description of Technical interview

Technical interview round 1 (time duration-50 min) It was taken on hackerrank code pair platform and we were asked to pass all test cases. Question 1- Merge two sorted array (EASY) I solved first using brute force approach then I optimized the code using a two pointer approach. Then the interviewer asked me to explain the space and time complexity of code. Question 2- Count total no of ways to score a target run by using 1,4,6 only.(MEDIUM) I solved it using Dynamic programming. Question 3- Diamond problem in inheritance and how to resolve that issue. Then he asked me about interfaces and abstract classes. Question 4 – why do we need normalisation in DBMS and its TYPES.

Description of HR round

(Tech + HR) interview round 2 (time duration- 60+ minutes) First the interviewer asked for a brief explanation of my project and he asked some questions related to it. Question 1-How indexing is implemented in DBMS. Question 2 – There are n villages and a postman. Find a Smallest possible distance covered by postman to delivers a letter t I told him the approach using the Floyd- warshall algorithm, but he wanted me to optimise the approach. He had given some hints then I told him by using a minimum spanning tree. I implemented the code and dry run the test cases and he was satisfied with that approach. Question 3 – He gave some COVID related graphical data and asked some mathematical and analytical questions on that. Then he asked me about my favourite data structure. I told him Trie data structure . Then he asked me how do you use this data structure in the present (COVID) scenario. Then next he asked me some Behavioural & situational questions

What should be the preparation strategy for an aspiring candidate?

Study fundamentals of OOPS,DBMS and OS (CN - if you have time) . If you know the solutions of a problem don’t directly run into an optimised solution . First share brute force approach then optimised one. Try to cover all corner edge cases for a problem. Do participate in short contests on codechef , leetcode . Go through InterviewBit during the summer holidays. Have faith in your abilities, prepare hard as u can and hope for the best. Resources for Preparation

Problem solving - Leetcode,GFG (DP-Aditya Verma videos,SDE sheet By STRIVER) Coding Contest - Codeforces,Leetcode Computer Fundamentals - GFG articles


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