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Name Kedar Acharya

College Name National Institute of Technology Warangal

Branch Electronics and Communication Engineering

Placement/ Internship Session 2021- 2022

Company's Name Chronus

Role Intern

Job Location Hyderabad

Eligible branches CSE, ECE, EEE

Eligibility Criteria 7 cgpa

Selection Procedure Round 1:-> Online Test

Round 2:-> Technical Interview -1

Round 3:-> Technical Interview -2

Round 4:-> HR Round

Description of Online Test The round consisted of 4-5 DSA based coding questions. The questions were pretty much standard covering the topics array, linked list, binary search, stack, binary search trees (BST). The questions were easy - medium in terms of difficulty. Many students would have been able to solve majority of the questions so the deciding factor their was the time in which you solve the questions which could only be improved by practicing a lot of questions.

Description of Technical interview There were 2 Technical Rounds.

Technical Round - 1 :--> This round was fully about logical reasoning question (puzzles). The interviewer asked me about 3-4 puzzles. The point was not whether you reach the correct answer, it was more about assessing the approach you take. Try to speak out loud whatever you are thinking and let the interviewer sync with your thought process. I remember one of the puzzles, you can check it out here ->,the%20entire%20group%20is%207. For the last question the interviewer actually asked me to simulate the puzzle by coding it in the online compiler . The puzzles were not that tough , and no prior knowledge was required to solve them. Don't bother about whether you would reach the answer just take steps logically and keep the interviewer updated about when and why are you taking a particular inference or a decision. Don't panic even if something goes wrong, the interviewer does guide you in a proper direction.

Technical Round - 2 :--> The round comprised of 5-6 coding questions. The general framework was that the interviewer would give me a question, first I had to explain what my approach was and then he would question me about the time complexity of the approach I took and if their was any more efficient algorithm to decrease the time/space complexity. After he was convinced with my answer he asked me to code the solution . Next he ran the code and gave some customs inputs (mostly corner cases) to my solution. After being satisfied he moved on to the next problem. The initial problems were of average level while the last ones were tough. The problems were from the topics arrays, binary search, trees, recursion , dynamic programming(DP).

Description of HR round The HR round was nothing about coding . The interviewer was cool and asked me about extra-curricular activities, my hobbies. Asked some typical HR round questions like 'where do you see yourself in 10yrs' . Just keep your head cool and answer the questions confidently.

What should be the preparation strategy for an aspiring candidate? For the OT ,practice questions from leetcode and try improving your speed. For the puzzles no prior practice is required , you could just lookup some puzzles on geeksforgeeks on the previous day of the interview to get an idea of what type of puzzles are asked in an interview. For the second technical round if you had practiced enough from leetcode you would be able to solve most of them , for the remaining , honing your coding skills by giving contests on codeforces/codechef could be useful. I didn't face any OOPS and DBMS questions but I heard from my colleagues that some of them did. So do study them and keep at least one project in your resume, may it be a simple one it's fine. Be transparent to the interviewer and confident while you speak.

Resources for Preparation DSA --> leetcode, gfg, interviewbit

CP--> codeforces, codechef


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