Srivishnu Vemula
LinkedIn Profile
College Name
National Institute of Technology, Warangal
Mechanical Engineering
Company's Name
Bajaj Auto
Summer Intern, (Internship )
Eligible branches
B.Tech Mechanical, EEE
Eligibility Criteria
CGPA CUTOFF: 7+ Class XII Percentage greater or equal to 70% Class X Percentage greater or equal to 70% NO ACTIVE AND PASSIVE BACKLOGS Number of gap years between XII and UG should NOT be more than 1 Year
Selection Procedure
Round 1: Online Test Round 2: Technical Interview Round 3: HR Interview
Description of Online Test
Online Test contains 90 Questions for 90 minutes It consisted of two parts: 1. Technical Test (45 Questions) : Conceptual Questions from Thermodynamics, Mechanics of Solids, Prime movers in Automobiles, Material Engineering. 2. Aptitude Test (45 Questions) : Logic Reasoning, General Aptitude, Verbal Ability and Data Interpretation. Shortlisted candidates after the online test have to give a Psychometric Test which contains work behavior related questions with no time limit.
Description of Technical interview
The time slot given for each candidate is 20 mins for technical interview. It included :- 1. Introduction of Candidate 2. Core Mechanical Engineering topics - IC engine cycles (Otto and Diesel cycles) - Iron Carbon Diagram 3. Applications of Mechanical Engineering - Difference between powertrain of conventional and electric vehicles - Purpose of Gearbox and basic definitions related to them - What is a DTSi engine? 4. Questions related to projects/courses completed and workshops attended.
Description of HR round
Shortlisted Candidates of Technical Interview were called for the HR Round. The interview went for about 30-35 minutes. Questions that I faced were: 1. How can interning at Bajaj Auto help you? 2. What are your short term and long term goals? 3. What is the difference between a well established automobile company like Bajaj and newly established startups like Ola electric, Ather, etc.? 4. How should one company go about product research and development? 5. How to make sure everyone is motivated when working in a team? 6. What are some challenges you faced in the online semester? Most of the above questions were answerable with a good understanding of MSP subject taught in 3rd year 1st semester for mechanical students.
What should be the preparation strategy for an aspiring candidate?
Start building a resume from the beginning of 4th semester. The empty spaces in my resume was a great source of motivation for me to work on some projects and courses. Keep the resume simple, concise and uniform looking. It should effectively convey all your skills and experiences. Try to get involved in any technical teams of our college. Eg. SAE teams. It can increase your chances of shortlisting. For Online test: - Practice plenty of aptitude questions - Good understanding of core mechanical subjects taught in 2nd year is very important For Technical and HR Interview - Prepare an introduction of yourself for about 6 to 7 minutes which includes academics, interests, projects and any relevant experiences.
Resources for Preparation
1. For Technical Test and interview - Read the recommended textbooks of 2nd year core topics. Solve MCQs from websites like sanfoundry, examveda, etc. 2. For Aptitude - CAT/GMAT preparation books, Indiabix.
Any additional information you want to provide from your side
Continuously identify weaknesses and work on them. At any stage of time, don't get demotivated if you are not shortlisted in 1 or 2 companies. Maybe a better one is waiting for you.