Amit Jakhar
LinkedIn Profile
College Name
Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Company's Name
Software Development Engineer (SDE), ( 6 months intern + FTE)
Job Location
Eligible branches
Btech – CSE, ECE, EEE , Mtech – CSE, ECE, EEE, MCA
Eligibility Criteria
>= 6.5 CGPA and No Active Backlog
Selection Procedure
1. Online Test
2. Technical Interview -1
3. Technical Interview -2
4. Technical + HR interview
Description of Online Test
This round was of 2.5 hrs and comprised of 5 sections:
A. Debugging Round (20 Minutes) :
There were 7 problems. And in each problem statement ,input /output (expected) and code was given and we needed to debug the given code to pass all the test cases.
B. Coding Round (70 Minutes):
There were 2 problems of medium level .
One problem was to count all substring having at most K distinct characters and another was to find the maximum of all subarrays of size k .
C. Behavioral Round (20 Minutes):
In this round many situational problems (MCQs) were given to test your behavior, leadership principle and moral values.
D. Aptitude Round (35 Minutes ) :
There were 24 Aptitude problems.
E. Feedback
Description of Technical interview
*Technical Interview Round 1*
Interviewer started off by giving a small introduction of himself and he asked me to introduce myself. In this round the interviewer asked me 2 coding problems based on data structures and algorithms.
First problem was that – we have a binary tree and we need to print the binary tree in vertical order (Vertical Order Traversal). I told him the optimized approach and also discussed space and time complexities , then he asked me to write code in ‘amazon code live’.
After this he asked me another problem – we are given N petrol pumps on a circle and at each petrol pump, distance from that petrol pump to the next petrol pump and amount of petrol at that petrol pump is given . We need to tell the first circular tour that visits all petrol pumps without losing petrol in between two petrol pumps. I explained both brute force and optimized O(N) approach and then he asked me to code optimized approach again in ‘amazon code live’.
*Technical Interview Round 2*
Interview started with my introduction. And in this round also the interviewer asked me 2 coding problems. Both problems were of Dynamic Programming (DP).
First question was that – we have a N-ary tree and and we need to print kth ancestor of all nodes of binary tree .I started discussion with brute force and for further optimization I discussed Binary Lifting Technique (DP approach) to find kth ancestor and time & space complexities . After that I coded it.
Second problem was that – we are given K dice and we need to tell no. of ways to get N (sum of all dice output). I discussed DP approach (optimized ) and then he asked me to code for both DP methods – Top-down and Bottom-up .
Description of HR round
*Technical + HR Round (Final Round)*
Firstly Interviewer gave his introduction and asked me to introduce myself. Then Interviewer asked me to explain one of my projects . I explained my project in which Reactjs and Reduxjs were used .
So he asked some questions on Reactjs and Reduxjs .
Then he gave me one situational problem and asked how I’ll react to this situation .
After that he gave me a problem that we are building a web application in which a delivery boy gets the destination address whenever someone books in order. And I need to give a solution for deciding the shortest path from the starting point of the delivery boy to his destination. Actually it was a Graph question and I discussed Dijkstra’s algorithm to solve this problem . I also discussed space and time complexity. Then he asked me to code.
At last he asked me to ask some questions if I have any.
What should be the preparation strategy for an aspiring candidate?
Keep practicing DSA problems from InterviewBit, Leetcode or GFG. Also give equal importance to CS subjects(OS,DBMS) and OOPs. Keep your resume ready with 2-3 good projects in Web development or Android development or Machine Learning. And make sure that you should be perfect in everything you have written in your resume .
When a question is asked, be confident, start with the Brute Force approach and keep communicating with the interviewer and let him/her know about your approach.
Resources for Preparation
*Platforms for Practice*:
Competitive Programming: Codechef, Codeforces, Hackerearth
DSA: Leetcode, InterviewBit, GFG
*YT channels*:
1. For CS Subjects: Sanchit Jain(OS & DBMS)(,
Gate Smashers(OS & DBMS)(
2. For DSA & CP: Aditya Verma(,
Sumit Malik(,
Tech Dose(,
Rachit Jain(