Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Placement Session:
Offer obtained:
Description of role:
Job location:
Eligible Branches:
Eligibility Criteria:
CGPA Cutoff - 7.0 (No Active Backlogs)
Selection Procedure:
Round 1 - OT
Round 2 - Technical Interview
Round 3 - HR Round (Phone)
Description of Online test:
1 Easy - Medium and 1 Easy DSA Question.
MCQs based on Computer Fundamentals.
Description of Technical Interview:
Most Questions were based on Computer Fundamentals and basics of C and C++
Difference between C and C++
Questions on OOPs( Pillars of OOPs)
How will a compiler know if a pointer is used?
Questions on how the process of compiling starts.
Calculate the Size of the struct without using the inbuilt function. (use pointer arithmetic)
Memory and Storage questions (Stack and Heap Memory)
Implement sizeof function.
some questions on bits (right shift left shift how many bits are on).
Description of HR Round:
Tell me about yourself.
What projects have you done?
What do you know about NXP?
Preparation Strategy:
Focus on DSA as it is the most important thing for most of the SDE Roles. OOPs and DBMS are also very important as you might miss out if you don't know them well. Knowledge of OS and CN is not that important compared to OOPs and DBMS ( i was not asked any os or cn question in any interview) but it's a plus if you have done that.
For NXP knowledge of C and C++ was checked and other fundamental questions.
DSA - Leetcode, InterviewBit, GFG
OOPs - Saurabh Shukla (C++)
DBMS - Gate Smashers
Additional info for our viewers: