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Sai Niteesh Ganga

Member of Technical Staff-1, (FTE)

NIT Warangal


Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Placement Session:


Offer obtained:  


Description of role:


Job location:


Eligible Branches:


Eligibility Criteria:


Selection Procedure:

Round 1 - OT
Round 2 - Technical interview
Round 3 - Technical interview

Description of Online test:

OT has 2 coding problems.
The first question was related to some math manipulation and the second was a dp question similar to .
I wasn't able to solve the 2nd question completely but solving the first question was good enough to get shortlisted for further rounds.

Description of Technical Interview:

In the first technical interview :
There are 2 problems:-
1) Complete code of some problem will be given, and we need to debug.
For me, they asked to debug the code which was related to "valid parenthesis" which was a simple one.
2) So the follow-up problem was that I needed to write the code to check if the given string of parenthesis is valid or not and if it's not valid I need to make that string valid.
I don't exactly remember what are operations and the cost of that particular operation given to me. I need to make that string valid with the minimum cost possible (print both string and cost of operations).
This too isn't that difficult, but remember to discuss every single idea you come across in your mind so that they may guide you to the correct approach. Even while you are coding just explain everything you are typing as if he/she knows nothing.
It may be okay even if your code doesn't execute but explaining your ideas and different approaches will give you points.
After the 1st round was done, I was asked to stay for 5 min and they asked me if I was ready for the second round.

Second Technical interview:
One coding problem was given:-
1) There is a car with an initial speed of 1 unit at position 0. We have 2 operations
i) "a" - position becomes position+speed and speed becomes 2 times the current speed.
ii) "r" - position will remain the same but speed becomes "-1" if the current speed is positive or "1" if the current speed is negative. We will be given a target (int). We need to reach the target position in a minimum number of steps. (target can be -ve or +ve) (Hint: BFS)
After discussing the approach, she asked me to code the same. My code was working for some cases but not for others. she asked me to find the bug and it took me 2-3 min to find that (a stupid one, I multiplied "speed*2" 2 times).
After this, she asked me the time and space complexity which I am not sure but I tried to say something (Wrong).
Then she asked me if I had any questions. (Know a little bit about the company and try to prepare some questions beforehand. Prepare questions like as if you are really excited to join the company)
Common in both rounds: Tell me about yourself. Do you have any questions?

Description of HR Round:

No HR round

Preparation Strategy:

Don't neglect any topic (mainly graphs). Do problems on every single topic.
Concentrate mainly on dp and graphs. There are many DSA sheets that are available online, follow any one of them (I personally liked the DSA sheets by lovebabbar). Apart from DSA, we need to prepare some CS core subjects (DBMS and Operating systems). Some companies will expect us to know OS and some don't, so don't take risks. But having a DBMS project is a must in your resume. Have a decent resume. Whether they ask questions from the resume is secondary.



Additional info for our viewers:

For people who didn't get any internship, There's no reason to feel disappointed. Many of my friends along with me didn't have any internship and got placed with a decent package. There's plenty of opportunity waiting for you, take those 2 months as extra time to improve your coding skills. Be confident. Be consistent. Be true to yourself. You'll never fail.

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