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Nagender Jillepally

Member of Technical Staff-1, (FTE)

NIT Warangal


Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Placement Session:


Offer obtained:  


Description of role:


Job location:


Eligible Branches:


Eligibility Criteria:

CGPA>=7 and No active backlogs

Selection Procedure:

Round 1- Online Test
Round 2- Technical Interview 1
Round 3 - Technical Interview 2

Description of Online test:

It consisted of 2 questions, one was on DP and the other on Number theory and the duration was 1h 30 min.

Description of Technical Interview:

Technical interview 1 consisted of 2 sub-rounds, the first one was a code debugging round for the first 30 min and one coding question for the next 30 min. So the entire first round duration was 1 hour.

Technical interview 2 was of 1 hour duration and one question was asked.

Description of HR Round:

No HR round

Preparation Strategy:

Try to cover all topics and focus more on DP and Graphs and try to give regular contests on leetcode, gfg, code studio, and codeforces.
Contests on leetcode, gfg, and code studio are close to the actual online tests of many companies.
After you become comfortable with basic concepts, try to do good-quality problems.
The quality of problems is much more important than quantity.
If you have time, then go for good projects. If not, then basic projects are also fine.


Leetcode is the best resource for practice, and CSES problem set is also a good resource.
Try to do at least 50% of the questions from each section in CSES.
For the technical interview, try to cover all standard questions on leetcode and do strivers SDE sheet and all questions on interviewbit.

For clearing the online test, try to give more contests on leetcode, gfg, code studio, and codeforces.
For covering CS theory subjects,
OOPS - Refer javatpoint site
DBMS - Refer Sanchit Jain playlist on YouTube
OS - Refer gatesmashers playlist on YouTube.

Additional info for our viewers:


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