Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Placement Session:
Offer obtained:
6 months intern + FTE
Description of role:
Job location:
Eligible Branches:
B.Tech All branches, M.Tech CSE, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, M.Sc Mathematics and Scientific Computing
Eligibility Criteria:
Selection Procedure:
Round 1 - OT
Round 2 - Technical Interview I
Round 3 - Technical Interview II
Round 4 - HR Round
Description of Online test:
Round 1 - OT
The OT consisted of 4 questions on DSA with a duration of 90 minutes.
Question 1 - Based on Array
Given an array of n elements, rearrange the array such that the value of the function F is maximized, also if there are multiple such arrangements the elements should be in numerically the smallest possible order.
F = a[1]*a[2]*(1/(a[3])*a[4]*(1/a[5])....*a[n-1]*(1/a[n]) if n is odd
F = a[1]*a[2]*(1/a[3])*a[4]*...*(1/a[n-1])*a[n] if n is even
Question 2 - Based on Maths and constructive algorithm
Given n line segments in a 2D plane with their endpoints, find out a point in a 2D plane from which the sum of distances to all the given lines is minimum.
Question 3 - Based on the modified Dijkstra Algorithm
Given a city with a network of vaccination centres which can be represented by a bidirectional weighted graph. There are some surplus centres and sufficient supply centres and some centres with a deficiency of vaccines. The weights of the graph represent distance between two centres and it takes a unit of time to cover a unit distance. Find the minimum time in which vaccines can be supplied from surplus centres to deficient centres.
Question 4 - Based on bitmasking
Given an array, find a number which can not be obtained as a result of the OR operation on the elements of any subsequence of the array.
Description of Technical Interview:
Technical Round 1 (40 mins - Codepair Round):
1 - Conceptual questions on various data structures such as:
• the difference between a stack and a vector,
• which data structure is best to store browser history, vector or stack and
• what are the advantages and disadvantages of using both (insertion and deletion time complexity),
• how a HashMap is implemented internally.
• Difference between queue and circular queue in terms of enqueue and dequeue time complexities
• Tell an example of a process where a Circular Queue is implemented
2 - DSA Questions - Based on Linked List
• Had to delete some nodes of a Linked list based on some given criteria and handle corner cases
3 - Another DSA question –
• Based on the implementation of Hashmap and Priority Queue (cannot exactly remember)
Technical Round 2 - (90 mins):
1 - Explain your projects in detail. (Overall workflow of the project)
2 - Cross questions on my projects
• Why you used this particular technology
• How did you implement a particular functionality
• What was the most challenging aspect of this project
3 - DSA question - Removing some elements from a string based on some criteria
4 - DSA question - Question based on some combination of Priority Queue and Hashmaps(can not exactly remember)
5 - Predicting the output or errors (if any) from several code snippets given by the interviewer, most of them tested the OOP skills of the candidate, and most of the snippets had some errors which I had to find. (Tests your in-depth knowledge of DSA and OOPs concept)
6. Object-oriented programming fundamental questions –
• What is Interface, and Abstract classes, and the difference between them? Provide real-life examples for both.
• Can a final class be inherited,
• What is the significance of "this",
• Does Java support Multiple Inheritance,
• What is the problem with multiple inheritances?
What is B-tree and how it is implemented?
7 - DBMS –
• What is Normalization, Its types and why do we need it?
• Discussion on Indexing in DBMS?
• Writing several SQL queries based on the requirement specified by the interviewer.
• How can we optimize queries, etc.
All the questions that have been specified by me are memory based, they do not cover all the questions that were asked to me in the interview.
Description of HR Round:
1 - Why do you want to join this company?
2 - Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?
3 - What are your short-term and long-term career goals?
4 - What is cloud technology? Where have you used any cloud tech in your project?
5 - What is the Software Development Lifecycle?
6 - What is DevOps?
Preparation Strategy:
For cracking a good job in a Software profile, the candidate must have a stronghold of Data and Structure and Algorithms and along with it strong foundational knowledge of Operating Systems, Database Management Systems, and also Computer Networking (to some extent) is required.
Also, some good and unique projects on the profile of candidates provide them an edge over others in getting selected.
At the freshers level, companies look for foundational knowledge and skills in the candidates, hence aspiring candidates should always focus on getting the conceptual clarity of the topics studied.
For DSA, the only mantra is practice, practice, and practice.
One should Grind leetcode, hacker rank, Interviewbit, etc. and also participate in Competitive Programming and leetcode coding contests.
For computer science fundamentals one can refer to GFG and Interviewbit. Also, candidates can refer to youtube channels like Codehelp or Gate Smashers which have very good tutorials on OS and DBMS.
Also, learn and get some experience in development. Pick any domain such as web development, app development, web3 development, etc. and try to make some good projects, also participate in hackathons they provide a very good learning opportunity.
For development, you need to learn some tech stack that is required for the domain you choose.
I recommend (A youtube channel) for learning languages, frameworks or any technologies required for development, It already has tutorials in its playlist for almost all the technologies you would need to learn. It is one of the best free online resources available.
Additionally, you can also refer to freecodecamp for DSA courses, Operating System or DBMS, it has a very comprehensive library of courses.
After all, remember one thing: it takes patience, consistency, and hard work to achieve proficiency in all these skills, and get your dream offer.
"Rome Was Not Built In A Day"
I would love to see if anyone finds this helpful and gets benefitted from my experiences, would love to see juniors bagging higher offers in the coming placement seasons.
Good Luck!
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