Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Internship Session:
Offer obtained:
Description of role:
Intern location:
Eligible Branches:
All branches
Eligibility Criteria:
No CG cut off(people with backlogs can also apply)
Selection Procedure:
Round 1 - OT,
Round 2 - Technical Interview,
Round 3 - Technical Interview,
Round 4 - HR interview
Description of Online test:
The test contains 3 sections. First section contains 2 coding questions. 2nd section contains HR round questions and the 3rd section contains math questions.
Description of Technical Interview:
In the first round they asked me 3 questions, one question from graphs and 2 easy medium problems which can be found in leetcode. In the second round he asked me about my resume and one simple coding question.
Description of HR Round:
Normal HR questions were only asked; Why Goldman Sachs, Where do you see yourself in 5 years?(Tip: It's better to prepare for these question before day it self)
Preparation Strategy:
Competitive coding (Codeforces, Codechef, Kickstart etc.), DSA, DBMS, OOPS are the four pillars for getting an internship.
Practise problems on codeforces, and DSA from leetcode. And before the interview go through the interview experiences in Geeks for Geeks. Complete interviewbit at least 1 month before intern drive.
Additional info for our viewers: