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Goldman Sachs

Aashi Agrawal

Summer analyst

NIT Warangal


Computer Science and Engineering

Internship Session:


Offer obtained:  

Internship only

Description of role:


Intern location:


Eligible Branches:

All branches

Eligibility Criteria:

No criteria

Selection Procedure:

Round 1- OT
Round 2- Technical interview
Round 3- Technical interview
Round 4- HR round

Description of Online test:

There were 5 sections-

Section 1- Two easy-medium coding questions
Q1- Given a number, we have to check whether at some step, the sum of the factorial of digits of the number can be the same as the given number (Hint: I used hash-map).
Q2- Given a string of a sentence containing spaces. We have to return the absolute difference between the sum of the length of words in odd position and even position.

Section 2- (8-10) Mathematics MCQs (Hard)

Section 3- One medium-hard coding question
Q3- Given a vector of distinct strings, we have to find the maximum number of strings which we can take such that we can arrange them consecutively only with following rules-
Two strings are a and b, then max(len(a),len(b))=N+1 ,where N is the longest common suffix of a and b.
Example- {rgy, bgy, ash, y, gy}
Output- 4
Explanation- rgy->bgy->gy->y is one of the possible outcome

Section 4- Two general essay questions and word limit was 200 words for each question
Q1- If you are working in a group project and your teammate left that in the middle of it due to some reason, then what will you do in that situation?
Q2- Describe a time when you got an unexpected and unbelievable outcome of a project.

Section 5- OS, DSA, OOP related MCQs

Description of Technical Interview:

Round 1-
The interviewer was very friendly. First, he looked into my resume and asked for a small introduction of my projects, then he asked me to write some tables and their attributes from my DBMS project in the hackerrank code editor.
Then he modified one of the tables and gave a question and told me to write a SQL query. The query was using aggregate function and group by clause. Then he asked me if I knew trees, to which I said yes. Then I was asked to write a pre-order traversal code (using recursion was fine) along with its time and space complexity. Then he asked which tree is best for searching and some indexing in the database question(I answered B tree).
Round 1 was over and he seemed satisfied with all my answers.

Round 2-
He looked into my resume and asked about my DBMS project. Then he moved on to the coding part-
Q1- Given a string, we have to find the first non- repeating character in the string.
Ex- string is "sggssjda" then output will be 'j'
I first told my approach to solve it and then he asked me to write the code and then execute it.
I solved it using hash-map and also given time complexity.
Q2- To find the kth largest element from a given array. For this he said just to write pseudo code. I gave two approaches i.e. using priority queue and using sorting (quick sort) along with their time complexities. But he was asking about a more optimized method which I couldn't but then he said that's okay.
Moving forward, he asked questions from oops part, like encapsulation with real life examples, inheritance with examples. After this, we discussed a lot about method overriding, method overloading, runtime and compile time polymorphism etc.
Then he asked me to define normalisation with any example by writing table names with its attributes in the code editor. Then he asked about the normal form of the given example to which I explained the criteria of all the normal forms and then identified it.
Round 2 was over then and I was asked to wait for round 3

Description of HR Round:

Round 3-
This was the HR round and it lasted only for 10-15mins. He looked into my resume and asked about my projects. Then he asked many questions by giving situations related to working on some group project.

Preparation Strategy:

They mainly focused on my dbms skills and were looking for a required knowledge about oops and problem solving part. Also, they are looking for your approach to solve any problem.


Problem solving in leetcode
Contests in codeforces, codechef and leetcode
Interview bit (would recommend for last 2-3months DSA preparation)
OOP- Javatpoint
DBMS- sanchit jain playlist in YouTube

Additional info for our viewers:


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