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Texas Instruments

Shivanshu Pandey

Analog Design Engineer

NIT Warangal


Electrical and Electronics Engineering



Offer obtained:  


Description of role:


Job/Intern location:


Eligible Branches:


Eligibility Criteria:

CGPA Cutoff 6

Selection Procedure:

Round 1- OT
Round 2- Technical Interview

Description of Online test:

There were 4 Sections (20 Questions each) each first 3 were optional and depends upon the role chosen.
Last Section was Aptitude, it was quite easy questions were mainly from Time & Work, Profit Loss, Percentage etc.
I chose Analog from the Optional Section. Questions were tricky and lengthy. Network Theory (RC Circuits Transient and Steady State Response involving diodes and multiple switches)
Analog Electronics (Op-Amps, Buffers, MOS Amplifier, BJT Amplifier), Control Systems and Signal Systems

Description of Technical Interview:

Interview went for almost 1.5 Hrs.
In first 45 mins he started with simple RC Circuit with Step Input and asked me to plot Voltage and Current Waveform across different elements of the circuit and then kept on changing the circuit by adding capacitors and resistors in parallel and series both. Interviewer wanted me to intuitively explain the circuit rather than going for mathematical equations.
In the next 45 mins he asked me to explain how negative feedback works in Op-Amp and then asked me what is Slew Rate and find the frequency at which maximum slew rate can be obtained if a Sinusoidal Input is given to the Op-Amp.
Then he asked me to draw CMOS Inverter and asked me if Sinusoidal Voltage is given to the Source Terminal of PMOS then what design modifications needs to be done in CMOS Inverter so that it does work as an Inverter. Of course he helped me whenever I got struck at any point.
Lastly he asked me to explain my Internship Project.

Description of HR Round:

No HR Round

Preparation Strategy:

Good Grasp in Network Theory is very important, practice as many questions as you can on first and second order circuits and try to understand the circuits intuitively.
Practice Questions on Op-Amps, MOS Amplifier and their different topologies.
Bode plot, Unit Step Response needs to be crystal clear.


Network Theory:-
1.A.Chakraborty CT Book
2.Chembiyan T lectures on YouTube
Analog Electronics :-
1.Analog CMOS IC Book by Behzaad Razavi and his lectures from YouTube
Control Systems and Signal Systems :-
Class Notes, GATE Lectures from YouTube
And Look for Analog Interview Questions from YouTube.

Additional info for our viewers:

Just keep calm during the interview and don't give up if you don't know any answer. Apart from checking your knowledge Interviewer also check you Level of Understanding and ask for his help whenever you're struck at a point.

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