Computer Science and Engineering
Offer obtained:
Internship only
Description of role:
Job/Intern location:
Eligible Branches:
All branches except Biotech
Eligibility Criteria:
CGPA >= 7.5
Selection Procedure:
1 OT ,2 technical interview and 1 HR round
Description of Online test:
In OT there will be 4 sections Verbal ability , Aptitude , computer science basics, coding section .
In every section there will be 3-4 sub sections which will have 7-8 qsns and time limit given.
Every section will have individual time limit like for aptitude it was 47 mins for 36 qsns for coding it was 35 mins for 30 qsns
And there was no negative marking so you can mark every qsn without any fear
In verbal ability section there were qsns related to grammars like you have to correct some sentences , or choose a word which has similar meaning to given word, 4-5 qsns based on passage, rearrange words like this
In coding section there were qsns based on output predicting and depicting errors in functions and most importantly there were many qsns on AVL tree . So before sitting in ORACLE make sure to read about AVL tree
In computer science basics section There were qsns related to OS, DBMS,OOPs except OS all qsns were easy only and u can answer them if u have ur basics strong .
In Aptitude section there were common aptitude qsns like work and time , and pncs qsns u can find them on GFG , if u are a jee student then u can easily do those qsns , there was 1 section under aptitude know as flow chart based qsns in that part u will be given some instructions or algorithm to solve a qsn and on the basis of that a flow chart of that algo would be given to you and there will be some blanks in that flow chart that u will have to fill , so this is also a medium level qsn only
Try to do best in ur OT , yeah time wont be sufficient enough for some qsns in aptitude like i randomly ticked some qsns because time wasn't there , but dont worry u will not be alone who will be doing this .
Description of Technical Interview:
When the interviewer came , he asked me to intoduce myself so i did for 2-3 mins then he asked me how was ur 2nd year since ours was online thats why he asked for . Then he asked me a qsn about DOM that i didnt know because i didnt about XML so i told him that i dont know about this , if u dont know anything about a topic just tell them that u dont know .
After that he asked me about DOM model , i think i dont quite remember the name but it was like this that u have to create a Generic BOM model that we can use for any product
BOM model: lets understand it with an example lets say u have a product called PC (personal computer) so it can have many components like CPU, keyboard,mouse,printer etc and then again CPU can contain many components like SMPS,motherboard,hard disk , then again motherboard can contain many things like register , RAM, etc so as u can see their is an Heirarchy type of thing . But in the start i didnt understand because the interviewer was also that explaining like i did here so i told them that i can make abstract classes of pc then i can implement them in the products then again use abstract classes and i will achieve that thing but it was not the right answer i thought so i then asked him that whether i have to give him a data structure or any oops soln so he asked me to give a data structure soln so i told them that since its heierarchial we can use K-ARY Tree for this , then he told me to draw it on white board the he asked me to code the structure of the tree , and i easily coded it since i knew about K-ARY tree earlier only in KR sir's class. Then he asked me Whether i can implement this thing without using Data structure i was confused at this time so i asked him sir how we can implement this heirarchial thing without trees so he told me to do it in DBMS . So i told him that i would create 2 table , one for root id and second for Child table having root id as foreign key there and there will be one to many relationship from root to child , we can find the childs using root id then we can again use those child ids as root ids and recursively find all the childs of that node . He was pretty satisfied with this solution.
Then he asked me to explain about my project , i was having a project on TODO list so i explained them how i made this and what problems i faced during the implementation of my project .
Then he asked me how would i implement a Score board that will display runs and will auto maticlly refresh so i told them i can use library(package) and achieve this , then he asked me whether i can do any alternative i said no sir i dont know
This concluded my 1st interview i was asked to wait in post interview round since i was selected for further round .
Link to the pic of the BOM model :
I was selected directly for 3rd round , though there were many students who has to give 3 round.
Description of HR Round:
It was my HR round . When the HR came he asked me how was my last interview , i said sir it was good then he asked me what qsns did he asked and what solns i gave so i explained my first round to him then upon hearing my Tree answer he asked my is there only need of searching and sorting in tree , is tree useful for any other things ? i told him we use it for maintaining hierarchical order and then again he asked my what if i didn't take unique values means what if I will take repeated data then I explained him with the concepts of database like data redundancy and data inconsistency and he was satisfied with it Then he asked me what if i didn't took sorted values , i explained him with indexing of dbms that we take sorted values for logn searching etc. Then he asked my what do u feel as a computer science undergraduate , so u have to give ur honest answer for this and i gave something like there's always learning in CS and everytime u know that u have became superior there is someone who is already superior that u and u try learning hard etc... then he asked me how my friends affected my learning and life so i told them u can frame ur own answer on this . Then he asked my why u want to join oracle u can google search about these things and then he told me we are done for today .
Preparation Strategy:
You can easily crack the OT of oracle but to crack interviews u should have good knowledge of object oriented programming, DBMS, DSA.
for DSA solve questions from leetcode around 400-500 will be fine.
leetcode have 3 category of questions easy , medium and hard try to solve more medium level questions rather than easy ones.
Apart from leetcode practice on codeforces and score a good rating there by participating the contests atleast 1200-1300 rating is good enough.
leetcode, codeforces, codechef, hackerrank
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