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Jash Kadu

Application Developer

NIT Warangal


Electrical and Electronics Engineering



Offer obtained:  


Description of role:


Job/Intern location:


Eligible Branches:

All Branches

Eligibility Criteria:


Selection Procedure:

Round 1 - OT
Round 2 - Technical interview
Round 3 - Technical interview
Round 4 - HR/Technical interview

Description of Online test:

The OT was conducted on hackerrank. It had 2 Coding questions, one SQL query and around 9-10 MCQs. Out of those 2 coding questions, one was DSA and the other one was REST API based.
I knew the REST API based question was coming so I had practiced it on hackerrank. There is a REST API intermediated test on hackerrank which gives you a fair idea of how the questions come. The MCQs were based on graphs and trees.

Description of Technical Interview:

The first technical round had a medium question, it was 'Number of subarrays having sum exactly equal to k'. I had solved this before so I had a rough idea on how to do it. I gave a brute force solution and then he asked me to optimize it to O(n) and O(n) (time complexity and auxiliary space) which I was able to do. After the question he asked me a few OOPS concepts like data abstraction.

Round 2 had a tough question for everyone, for me it was DP+DFS based. I coded the solution but my solution didn't work correctly but I made sure to have a very good discussion so the interviewer knew my approach and even though my solution didn't work he was fine. He then asked me a few OOPS and OS questions which I was able to answer.

Round 3 was technical + HR round. There was no DSA question asked in this round but a lot around my project which I had done. He asked me a detailed description about it, why I chose the tech stack, high level logic. I had done my summer internship in Mathwork so he asked a lot around that, what I learnt. In this round a lot was asked from the PPT of Oracle too, I had made notes during the PPT session.

Description of HR Round:


Preparation Strategy:

Leetcode & Interviewbit for DSA questions. Learn and remember standard questions asked in interviews cause there is a high chance those get repeated. Gate smashers for OOPS & DBMS. Use leetcode discuss a lot.

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