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Hemanth Varkolu

Member of Technical Staff-1, (FTE)

NIT Warangal


Electrical and Electronics Engineering



Offer obtained:  


Description of role:


Job/Intern location:


Eligible Branches:


Eligibility Criteria:

CGPA >=7

Selection Procedure:

Round 1 - OT
Round 2 - Technical interview
Round 3 - Technical interview

Description of Online test:

There were 2 questions in the Test.

1) We have to reach our destination from a point. There were N cities in between the initial point to the destination. Each city is located 10 km after the previous city. Initially, you also have a battery which allows you to go 'P' km. Each city has a battery which you can purchase. You have to replace the previous battery with a new one after purchase. The battery at city i costs Ci and lets us travel Ti km. We have to return the least amount required to reach our destination. (return -1 if not possible)

2) For a number 'num', let 'S' be the multi-set of all numbers corresponding to the non-empty subsequences of the digits of the num. Let us take an element 's' of the multi-set S, prod(s) denotes the product of all the digits of number s. If the sum of all the products is even then the num is lucky and if the sum is odd, it is unlucky. You have given a number 'n'. We have to return the nth lucky number. 8086 is the lucky number. 8085 is the unlucky number.
(1<=n<=10 to power 12)
The lucky number series looks like this: 0,2,4,6,8...etc. For n=5, the answer will be 8.

25 people were shortlisted for the Technical interview round.

Description of Technical Interview:

There were two members on the panel. They gave a brief introduction about them. He said there will be two sections in this round.

SECTION 1 (Debugging): There is an array of N elements. In this array, each element is greater than its neighbour elements. We have to find the highest element in log(n) time. He gave me code and asked me to debug the errors.
SECTION 2 (Coding):There are N people who are working in a company. Each employee has a connection to his higher and lower hierarchy. Each employee has his own id and some cost. He asked me to print the ids of the employees such that the sum of their costs is minimum. But if we select an employee, we are not allowed to select the employees who are connected to him. He asked me to write code from scratch in the compiler of my choice which includes picking the correct data structure to store the data of employees. He mainly concentrated on my idea and implementation of the code.
This round lasted for 1 hour 45 mins. I solved both questions.

Around 15 people were shortlisted for the second round.

We had a casual conversation for the first 5 to 10 mins to make me feel comfortable. Later he asked me two coding questions in this round.

First Question: He asked me to implement a linked list. After implementation, he asked me to write a code such that the list should look like this, for list 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 the answer is 1,8,2,7,3,6,4,5.
Second Question: There was a squirrel in an infinite 2D grid. There were some nuts spread over the grid randomly. He gave me the positions of its home, nuts and initially where it stands. I have to return the minimum distance the squirrel have to cover to carry all the nuts from his house. He gave me the condition that the squirrel can carry only one nut at a time. He just asked me the idea to solve the problem
This round was about 45 to 50 mins. I solved both questions.

There were 5 final selects.

Description of HR Round:

No HR round

Preparation Strategy:

DSA is most important in software. "CONSISTENCY IS THE KEY". Do coding regularly. Whatever you do in a day you have to do at least one question. Try to cover all the topics in DSA. Write contests on different platforms. DP is most important in DSA. Do as many problems as you can in DP. Follow any DSA sheets. I followed Fraz and TUF sheets.

A good-looking resume gives you an advantage. Do at least one interesting project one month before the drive starts in your college(My project is about Web Development). Try to cover DBMS and OS if possible.

Write code clearly while practicing such that others can understand. Prepare with one friend who is more aspiring like you and share your ideas. Maintain streaks in leetcode and interviewBit. It gives you the motivation to do it consistently.

Recollect all topics regularly, It helps during the last day of preparation before the interview. Make notes with questions and the solution idea. (The solutions which have a unique idea to solve and you are unable to get it).


> DSA(For learning):
• Geeks for Geeks
> DSA (For practicing) :
• InterviewBit (Try to complete it totally. It has limited questions and it covers all topics).
• Leetcode.
> Sheet Links :
• Fraz(
• TUF(
> OS:
• Gate Smashers (YouTube).
• GFG.
> DBMS :
• Gate Smashers.
> OOPS :
• W3Schools
• InterviewBit.
> Web Development :
• AngelaYu's web development Bootcamp (Udemy).
• Code with harry (YouTube).

Additional info for our viewers:

Not being shortlisted in OTs.
Getting rejected in Interviews.
Not getting an internship.
All these things may demoralize you and make you feel depressed. But motivate yourself to bounce back. Just trust the process and stick to your strategy.
However, doing an internship gives you the experience of work and you can get PPO if you perform well. But since not getting an internship, you have a lot of time to prepare and you can use it wisely and get into a big company with a good package. Don't target a single company. It's okay if you can't make it to that company. There are a lot of opportunities ahead of you.

Have you decided to start the preparation?
Then today is the best day to start. Start your preparation now and be consistent. Take help from your seniors and fellow students. Talk to some seniors and take their advice when you feel low. It is also important to taste failure before you enjoy the taste of success. Motivate yourself and don't give up until you get that taste.
All the best.

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