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Napier Healthcare


Software Engineer

NIT Warangal


Electrical and Electronics Engineering



Offer obtained:  


Description of role:

Job/Intern location:


Eligible Branches:


Eligibility Criteria:

CGPA>=7, No Active Backlogs,10th percentage > 70%,12th percentage > 70%

Selection Procedure:

Round 1 - OT, Round 2 - Technical interview, Round 3 - Managerial Round, Round 4 - HR

Description of Online test:

Aptitude, Technical MCQS, 2 Coding Questions

Description of Technical Interview:

It started with my introduction. The interviewer asked me 2 coding questions: 1. Print frequency of each element in an array; 2. Implement Merge Sorting Algorithm. Later, she asked me about SQL commands. This round took around 30 mins.
Next round was a managerial round. Interviewer was very friendly. He asked me about my projects and some oops concepts. It lasted for 30 mins.

Description of HR Round:

The HR started with her introduction and told me about the company.
She asked me to introduce myself and why I chose Napier.

Preparation Strategy:

Practice DSA regularly. Participate weekly and biweekly contests in leetcode. Be strong in oops, dbms, os.


DSA: Leetcode, GFG, Interview bit.
CP: Codeforces,code chef
DBMS, OS, CN: gate smashers
SQL: W3 schools for learning.

Additional info for our viewers:

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