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Goldman Sachs

Deepak Prasad

Summer analyst

NIT Warangal


Computer Science and Engineering



Offer obtained:  

Internship only

Description of role:


Job/Intern location:


Eligible Branches:

All branches

Eligibility Criteria:


Selection Procedure:

Online test(OT) and then 3 rounds of interviews( 1,2 technical round and 3 HR round)

Description of Online test:

OT was divided into 4 sections . Section 1 had 2 easy to moderate coding questions. Section 2 was based on aptitude(This was one of the most difficult sections as it had almost JEE level questions with topics ranging from probability , complex numbers, conic sections and others) Section 3 was an advanced coding based section section 4 had mcqs that revolved around DBMS and OOPS concepts.

Description of Technical Interview:

I had 3 questions in round 1 :
The first question was "check whether a parenthesis sequence is balanced or not"(standard application of stacks).
The second question which was that " Given a m*n chessboard with a knight placed at source_x, source_y . Find whether the knight can reach the destination coordinates and also the minimum steps to do so".
The last question was " Given a binary array where each element denoted a bulb and if the bulb was on, the value of element would be 1 otherwise 0. I could do only one operation which is turn on and off the bulb and for every bulb on which I applied this operation the state of all bulbs to its right will be flipped. I had to tell the minimum no of operations needed to switch on all the bulbs. "

Round 2:
Given an array of strings I had to group all the anagrams together efficiently.
A system based kind of question to design a twitter like application .( The interviewer told me to express my ideas without being afraid.)

Description of HR Round:


Preparation Strategy:

Standard Data Structures concepts and DSA questions are a must. I would recommend doing either leetcode or interviewbit completely. Apart from this competitive programming also helps a lot and a couple of decent projects before the intern season begins.


websites like gfg hackerearth cp-algorithms for various concepts

Additional info for our viewers:


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