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Amit Jakhar

Software Development Engineer (SDE)

NIT Warangal


Electrical and Electronics Engineering



Offer obtained:  

6 months intern + FTE

Description of role:


Job/Intern location:


Eligible Branches:

Btech – CSE, ECE, EEE , Mtech – CSE, ECE, EEE, MCA

Eligibility Criteria:

CGPA >= 6.5 and No Active Backlog

Selection Procedure:

1. Online Test
2. Technical Interview -1
3. Technical Interview -2
4. Technical + HR interview

Description of Online test:

This round was of 2.5 hrs and comprised of 5 sections:
A. Debugging Round (20 Minutes) :
There were 7 problems. And in each problem statement, input /output (expected) and code was given and we needed to debug the given code to pass all the test cases.
B. Coding Round (70 Minutes):
There were 2 problems of medium level .
One problem was to count all substring having at most K distinct characters and another was to find the maximum of all subarrays of size k .
C. Behavioral Round (20 Minutes):
In this round many situational problems (MCQs) were given to test your behavior, leadership principle and moral values.
D. Aptitude Round (35 Minutes ) :
There were 24 Aptitude problems.
E. Feedback

Description of Technical Interview:

Technical Interview Round 1:

Interviewer started off by giving a small introduction of himself and he asked me to introduce myself. In this round the interviewer asked me 2 coding problems based on data structures and algorithms.
First problem was that – we have a binary tree and we need to print the binary tree in vertical order (Vertical Order Traversal). I told him the optimized approach and also discussed space and time complexities , then he asked me to write code in ‘amazon code live’.
After this he asked me another problem – we are given N petrol pumps on a circle and at each petrol pump, distance from that petrol pump to the next petrol pump and amount of petrol at that petrol pump is given . We need to tell the first circular tour that visits all petrol pumps without losing petrol in between two petrol pumps. I explained both brute force and optimized O(N) approach and then he asked me to code optimized approach again in ‘amazon code live’.

Technical Interview Round 2:

Interview started with my introduction. And in this round also the interviewer asked me 2 coding problems. Both problems were of Dynamic Programming (DP).
First question was that – we have a N-ary tree and and we need to print kth ancestor of all nodes of binary tree .I started discussion with brute force and for further optimization I discussed Binary Lifting Technique (DP approach) to find kth ancestor and time & space complexities . After that I coded it.
Second problem was that – we are given K dice and we need to tell no. of ways to get N (sum of all dice output). I discussed DP approach (optimized ) and then he asked me to code for both DP methods – Top-down and Bottom-up .

Description of HR Round:

Technical + HR Round (Final Round)

Firstly Interviewer gave his introduction and asked me to introduce myself. Then Interviewer asked me to explain one of my projects . I explained my project in which Reactjs and Reduxjs were used .
So he asked some questions on Reactjs and Reduxjs .
Then he gave me one situational problem and asked how I’ll react to this situation .

After that he gave me a problem that we are building a web application in which a delivery boy gets the destination address whenever someone books in order. And I need to give a solution for deciding the shortest path from the starting point of the delivery boy to his destination. Actually it was a Graph question and I discussed Dijkstra’s algorithm to solve this problem . I also discussed space and time complexity. Then he asked me to code.
At last he asked me to ask some questions if I have any.

Preparation Strategy:

Keep practicing DSA problems from InterviewBit, Leetcode or GFG. Also give equal importance to CS subjects(OS,DBMS) and OOPs. Keep your resume ready with 2-3 good projects in Web development or Android development or Machine Learning. And make sure that you should be perfect in everything you have written in your resume .
When a question is asked, be confident, start with the Brute Force approach and keep communicating with the interviewer and let him/her know about your approach.


Platforms for Practice:
Competitive Programming: Codechef, Codeforces, Hackerearth
DSA: Leetcode, InterviewBit, GFG

YT channels:
1. For CS Subjects: Sanchit Jain(OS & DBMS)(,
Gate Smashers(OS & DBMS)(
2. For DSA & CP: Aditya Verma(,
Sumit Malik(,
Tech Dose(,
Rachit Jain(

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